The best dog harness is not one that fits every breed or every size. The best dog harness is the one that fits your fur baby. What do I mean? A genetic dog harness brand might sell good and get many good reviews from customers, but every dog is different. We simply can not blindly follow other’s advice for the sole reason that they might have more experience. It’s always beneficial to take more perspectives into consideration before we make the final call. But we should keep in mind that the ultimate decision should be one that cater to your need, in this case to your dog’s need too.
The best dog harness should be one that can function for its designated purpose for an extended period of time, say one year or two (make sure you don’t mix the harness with dog’s toys. No harness can last long if we let our dog chew on or tear it apart) If you dog likes to chew certain material or shape, you should avoid buying harness with those features. The best dog harness for your dog should offer the maximum comforts. We need to make sure that the harness is not too rough or tight. Rough texture material could cause rashes. Wrong size, too small a size in particular, might injure our dogs’ joints.
We need to also take into consideration how convenient and comfortable the harness is to us. The best dog harness should not only fit the shape of our dogs, but it should also be handy and fitting for daily handle. It should give us the maximum control with relatively less energy or strength required to use. The best dog harness should be aesthetically pleasing. Some may argument that the look is not important when it comes to choosing the best dog harness, but an appealing design will make the daily walk more pleasant.